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St John The Baptist Girls School, Old Road Cashel Co Tipperary

Active Schools

The Active School Flag is a Department of Education initiative designed to recognise schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community

Children need 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Physical activity improves self-esteem, overall health and wellbeing and even academic success. If children develop the habit of being physically active as children they should continue to make it a lifelong habit.

So far we have carried out a review of our current position. We have formed an active school flag committee. We have outlined improvements across the three areas of physical education, physical activity and partnerships. We plan to run an active school week next yeaar in April or May. We completed a whole school survey on physical activity. 

The committee are working on the Active School Flag notice board and we are running a competition to come up with an Active School Flag motto. 

This term we are focusing on playground activity and the outdoor and adventure strand of teh P.E. curriculum. The Parent Association very kindly arranged to have the two yards painted recently and Mrs. Cawley has put new yard rotas in place. 

So far so good, we are well on the way to becoming a more physically active school. 


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12th Oct 2022
ESSD is a day where lots of schools across Europe celebrate sport on the same day. ...